Travel Smarter.

This page includes some items that I own and love traveling with; other items are merely suggestions.



  • Portable Phone Charger

  • Adapter

    Most of Europe - check for your specific country

  • Travel charging station

    Charging Station

  • Apple Air Tags for travel

    Apple Air Tags

    An absolute must if you’re checking a bag!

Smart Travel

  • Anti Theft Backpack

    Anti Theft Backpack

  • Luggage locks

    Luggage Locks

    Best used in countries like Italy, to prevent pick pocketers from opening your purse, backpack or suitcase. Another tip is to lock your suitcases together while on trains.

  • Anti-Theft Heritage Crossbody Bag

    Anti-Theft Crossbody Bag

  • Travel Bottle Sets




  • Sleep Mask

    Sleep Mask

  • Airplane Toiletry Bag

    My best travel tip - pack a bedtime bag with a toothbrush, melatonin, sleep mask, eye masks, and anything else to bring comfort before a long flight.


Self Care